1,698 €/m2
Exclusive residential building in an enclosed and peaceful complex! The best materials on the market and use of the latest technology. The townhouse is with the installation of the latest technology to achieve the best temperature in both summer and winter. There is floor heating throughout the house with combination gas boiler and SOLAR with solar panels with a closed hydraulic circuit and the battery of the brand JUNKER to ensure low energy costs. Cold / hot air conditioning installed in ducts with adjustable input "anti telephony" system (noise transmission) in every room. Water tanks with pressure and circulation pump for faster hot water supply. Mechanical ventilation controlled so that no unpleasant drafts between different compartments, and exhaust in bathrooms at the same time avoid noise transfer. Electric and telecommunication installations with equipment in beautiful design and high quality. External electric blinds with thermal insulation.
Climate control
Elektriska persienner
Gated Complex
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