Takvåning till salu i La Manga

Property ID: CBB-A-003098


3,276 €/m2


Magnificent penthouse on the first line of the Mediterranean Sea Part of Euromarina Towers, a project built in 2007 and located at km. 16.5 from La Manga del Mar Menor, on the first line of the Mediterranean Sea and the second line of the Mar Menor. Its incredible location allows you to enjoy the beaches of both seas. It has two community pools facing the Mediterranean, as well as direct access to the beach. The penthouse has a bedroom, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a space with large windows overlooking the sea that acts as a dining room and living room. The apartment has air conditioning. The price includes a parking space in the building. The area has a wide variety of restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacy, cafeterias, not being necessary to resort to the car on a daily basis.


Climate control

  • Luftkonditionering


  • Nära till havet
  • Nära småbåtshamn

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