Kommersiell till salu i Ciudad Quesada

Property ID: COM-SWDF1386


1,663 €/m2


Established for over 35 years, this very well known bar and restaurant is located at the top of Ciudad Quesada with stunning views towards Guardamar, next to the municipal swimming pool. This thriving business is sold freehold and benefits from year round clientele from local residents and a heaving summer and tourist trade. The commerical property consists of a fully equipped industrial kitchen, a sunny terrace area with outdoor bbq area, an indoor dining room and restaurant, and even a cellar, basement and storage area which is conveniently accessed from the bar. The large premises is fully licensed to seat 71 inside and up to 50 outside on the terrace. An added perk is the free municipal pool located next door to the bar-restaurant attracting tourists all day long during the Summer months serving food and cold drinks. Contact us today for more information about this key ready business opportunity.



  • Grillplats


  • Nära till havet
  • Nära småbåtshamn

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