Kommersiell till salu i Ciudad Quesada

Property ID: COM-SWDF1747




Fantastic unit for sale or rent-to-buy in a very sought-after location in Quesada. Directly visible and facing the main road, with plenty of parking. Previously, rented by Subway and a Butchers Shop, this unit has huge potential given the amount of traffic passing by and the surrounding area. The unit comes with 2 toilets, air-conditioning, back storage or kitchen with option to install extraction. There is also a terrace space as part of the property and potential to increase seating across the road. Walk-in fridge included in the price or can be removed. Other commercial properties in this centre include: restaurants, cafeterias, lawyers, estate agent, vet, hardware store, insurance company, pharmacy, betting shop. There are 2 supermarkets directly behind and 2 huge superstores.


Climate control

  • Luftkonditionering


  • Nära till affärer
  • Nära till havet

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