Fristående villa till salu i Pedreguer

Property ID: CPS-CBD1563


3,930 €/m2


Amazing sea and mountain views from this new villa to be built in Monte Solana in Pedreguer. During the construction period the internal walling can be adapted to individual requirements, room sizes can be changed. The actual footprint of the villa cannot be changed, but that´s all! The current plan is for 3 bedrooms but if you´d like an additional en-suite built on the top southern terrace we can do that too. You will get to choose your own kitchen, bathrooms and tiling. You can visit the showrooms to take a look at the outstanding finish and range of options that we provide. If you would like bigger terraces no problem - different shaped pool no problem within the 32m2 included. Make your pool bigger - no problem. We have started the process for you to speed things up but this is building your own home to your own specification.The villa includes 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with the option to build an additional en-suite bedroom on the top floor,Advertised price includes:PlotConstruction of villaPool of 32m2Connecting terraces of 20m2For further information please do not hesitate to contact us.



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