Fristående villa till salu i Saus

Property ID: DCB-CHA0156




Newly built house, on a 1,001 m2 plot, with a garden, swimming pool, and all services at hand: butcher, greengrocer, bakery, groceries, hairdresser, mechanical workshop, etc. Unbeatable situation for road access. * Furniture and decoration not included in the price. Saus is a municipality located in the Alt Empordà region, on the dividing line with the neighboring regions of Baix Empordà and Gironés. The town of Saus has given a name to the Empordanese municipality that also includes the towns of Camallera and Llampaies. The road from l'Escala to Orriols (where it connects with the N-II towards France crosses the term near the three towns that make up. This road has been a renovation and has become the main access, from Barcelona and the Border, the Litoral de L 'Escala, Empúries and Sant Pere Pescador. Due to its proximity to an area as touristy as the Costa Brava, we also offer a visit by numerous visitors who discover, in its natural and scenic surroundings, the authenticity of a small town in the Empordá, ideal for all kinds of outdoor activities .[IW]



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