till salu i Torredembarra

Property ID: FCE-FE83007/968


1,264 €/m2


Ideal building for an investor, located in Torredembarra a few meters from the beach. It consists of 4 floors with a total built area of ​​1,108m2. Currently the building is to be renovated, on the ground floor there is an open space with 6 columns in the middle as a walkway. The walls of the premises are boarded up but can be opened to put windows to 4 winds letting in a lot of light. On the 3 upper floors there are a total of 17 apartments, some smaller than others. Permits have been accepted from the council to build a hotel and there is an approved pedestrian walkway project in front of the building. Within the investment possibilities, one could talk about rehabilitating it as a residence, residential apartments or tourist apartments.



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