Lägenhet till salu i Rojales

Property ID: MLC-MLSC1923056


1,866 €/m2


Conjunto Dracos is an exclusive private residential area located in the Ciudad Quesada urbanization, in the charming municipality of Rojales. This complex consists of elegant townhouses and apartments in two-story buildings, designed in an authentic Mediterranean style. Situated atop a hill, Conjunto Dracos offers impressive panoramic views that reach all the way to the sea on the horizon. The sunrise and sunset create magical moments that never cease to amaze. The property for sale is a charming second-floor apartment with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, an open kitchen to the living-dining room, and an enclosed terrace that acts as a private lookout with exceptional views. Additionally, there is a small open terrace, ideal for enjoying the afternoon sun. This apartment is sold fully furnished and equipped with all necessary appliances, ready for you to move in and enjoy the comfort and beauty that Conjunto Dracos has to offer.



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  • shanty-house-village-1
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