Radhus till salu i Alcaucín

Property ID: MLC-MLSC6599596


1,173 €/m2


Las Majadas is a charming and quirky property in a hamlet just below the national park of Alcaucin. The house is urban and is on mains water, waste and electric. The main house comprises of 2 bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs with wooden beams and sliding doors and then downstairs is open plan with a pine kitchen and a lounge with a big open fireplace. There is a separate little property in front which comprises of a toilet and good size terrace with BBQ and sink and then downstairs is a second lounge. Las Majadas would suit somebody looking for a small property located in a very quiet and peaceful location with fabulous views of the surrounding countryside.


Climate control

  • fireplace
    Öppen spis


  • Grillplats

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