Radhus till salu i Álora

Property ID: MLC-MLSC8241340


708 €/m2


 This very attractive 6 bedroom traditional village house has been modernized in recent years. The accommodation is offered over two levels. At street level one enters directly into a very attractive reception room leading through to a spacious dining/kitchen.   Off of the kitchen there is a sitting room, 2 bedrooms and a modern shower room completes the accommodation on this level. There are two staircases leading to the first floor.   To the front of the property on the first floor there are 4 bedrooms. To the rear of the property on the first floor there is a further lounge area and a further small room. This area is ideal for converting into a splendid master suite.   A further staircase leads up to a glorious roof terrace offering fabulous views over Alora pueblo to the Andalucian countryside beyond and hosting a  perfectly restored bread oven and a laundry room ad store room.   This property is offered in good condition and is ideal for a family home of perhaps for use as a B&B or holiday lettings.   



  • dresser-drawers-5
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  • Dygnsöppen reception


  • shanty-house-village-1
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