Finca - Cortijo till salu i Murcia (City)

Property ID: OWO-D2304


1,271 €/m2


. This finca is located in El Esparagal in Murcia. A beautiful finca with numerous possibilities, this hidden gem undoubtedly exudes charm and allure. The finca, a traditional Spanish estate, exudes an atmosphere of tranquility and beauty, surrounded by lush nature and peaceful surroundings. The architecture of the finca is steeped in authentic elements such as rustic stone walls, terracotta tiles and wooden accents that reflect the character of the region. The whole exudes a timeless elegance and forms a harmonious whole with the surrounding landscape. What makes this finca really special are the countless possibilities it offers. Whether it is an extensive garden with lush vegetation, a swimming pool that invites refreshment on hot days, or various spaces that can be transformed into cozy corners or functional rooms, this finca seems to have been designed with versatility in mind. The term "hidden gem" suggests that this finca does not immediately catch the eye, but is therefore all the more surprising and enchanting when discovered. It seems as if this estate has been deliberately hidden away, making it a secret treasure for those who take the time to find it. In short, this beautiful finca embodies the perfect combination of traditional elegance, versatility and a touch of mystery, making it a unique and enchanting piece of real estate.

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