4,177 €/m2
Big luxurious independent villas, with a design where the sea views and natural light are the main characters. We can´t forget the exterior areas and terraces, which are so important to be able to enjoy the wonderful Mediterranean climate. Villas with large open spaces, modern and versatile. Built with the most exquisite selection of materials and finishes, and its energy efficiency are only a few of their exceptional features. Customization is a key feature in this residential area. It allows the homeowners to adapt the designs to their own necessities, or to create their own villas next to the sea.
Villas with an incredible location, next to Altea Club de Golf, next to the beach “de la Olla” and the Sports Marina “Campomanes”. It is also only 8 km from Altea´s city centre and it is next to Altea La Vella, two towns traditionally well-known for their quality of life, services and cultural and artistic choices. You can practice sports, carry out cultural activities, as well as enjoying a wide variety of restaurants with a gastronomic choice second to none.
It also had direct access from the motorway “del Mediterraneo” exit AP7-64
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