4,569 €/m2
Erandi is a new development made up of 61 apartments with 1,2,3 or 4 bedrooms, with garages and storage rooms. The Erandi development has magnificent common areas such as swimming pools for adults and children, green areas and chill-out areas. In addition, its advanced A+ energy efficiency system makes this eco-friendly building fully sustainable, thanks to:
- High thermal insulation contained in the building envelope (facades and roofs).
- Efficient water heating system (Aerothermal energy).
- Photovoltaic panels for the use of the common facilities of the building.
- Aluminum carpentry and high-performance glass.
- Cross ventilation in homes that acts as a heat attenuating element.
Erandi benefits from the light of the city of Alicante and its privileged climate. Erandi is located in one of the most iconic neighborhoods of the Alicante capital, in Florida, an area characterized by an intelligent combination of narrow streets with wide avenues and charming squares, all endowed with a wonderful community Life, festivals and Traditional places have great depth, traditional commerce and innovative commerce coexist, and various services coexist
Climate control
Inbyggda garderober
Privat terrass
Gemensam pool
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