1,887 €/m2
Elysium Golf consists of 15 exclusive detached villas with avant-garde design, pure lines, neutral colours and large spaces, creating a perfect harmony with the natural environment in which it is located.
Light and the feeling of freedom are the main features of Elysium Golf, with double heights in some rooms, floor to ceiling windows and a terrace with solarium (optional) that covers the entire upper part of each of the villas.
Comfort and quality of life are always present at Elysium Golf. Each villa has a built-up area of over 300 m2, a private infinity swimming pool, a parking space for two vehicles, several terraces and gardens.
All villas are configurable and can be adapted to the tastes of their owners. There are numerous possibilities such as; underfloor heating throughout the house, a recreation room, gym or spa, and even the possibility to include up to two extra bedrooms.
Climate control
Golvvärme badrum
Eget badrum
Inbyggda garderober
Privat terrass
Privat trädgård
Privat parkering
Privat pool
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