2,729 €/m2
This set of magnificent homes, which combines elegance and functionality, is known for its security and privacy with it has 24 hour monitored access. The Real Montes Halcones consists of three housing blocks of three floors. The buildings' exterior is of a classic style and with the appearance of a majestic mansion, built by the famous architect Melvin Villarroel, known for "arquitectura del vacío" and his eagerness to achieve balance between man, nature and architecture. Balance he achieved indeed with this unique complex in which lush foliage surrounds the building and makes you feel part of nature. The complex has a central fountain with extensive gardens and a clover shaped pool. A place to feel protected, perfect to start a new life. 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, with parking space and optional storage, which features spacious terraces and aesthetic, complete and fully equipped kitchens and a living-dining room. All apartments stand out for the quality of the materials and the care to detail of all elements.
Gated Complex
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