2,474 €/m2
Altara Alcaidesa is a new development within the exclusive La Alcaidesa area of Campo de Gibraltar which consists of 55 properties, with 2 and 3 bedroom options.
The properties have a garage and storage room in the basement. In addition, the properties are equipped with air conditioning and fitted kitchen with white goods. All the properties have large terraces with views of the La Alcaidesa Golf Course, so you can enjoy the natural surroundings in the open air from your own home.
The communal areas include landscaped gardens, swimming pool, gastroteca and a parking area for buggies. For added security and privacy the residential complex is fully enclosed and fenced. Your dream home awaits you at Altara Alcaidesa
Climate control
Privat terrass
Privat parkering
Gemensam pool
Nära till golf
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