1,884 €/m2
The design of this villa originates from a classical symmetry reinterpretation. Brings to life a double height porch that recalls of monumental buildings during classical Rome. This rotund element framed by natural black stone outlining a minimalist effect.
The entrance facade, to the north, is a reflection of the south facade. A double height access door and covered with the same black natural stone opens the access to the house. Concrete is used for the rest of the facade while the wooden elements are incorporated to provide warmth. Water also plays a leading role in both facades, incorporating ponds whose reflections provide an interplay of light while contributing comfort and freedom of movement.
On the ground floor, kitchen, dining room, living room with double height, a closet and toilet distributed in open plan are led by the staircase of double exempt section, as a sculpture to the first floor gallery.
The first floor is divided into two wings, one with two bedrooms and shared bathroom, and another where the master bedroom with double dressing room and en suite bathroom is located. A wooden gallery connects them both. A skylight on the staircase illuminates naturally, this incredible atrium.
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