Tomt till salu i Estepona

Property ID: PROCSW-NVO114


1,980 €/m2


Live in one of the most attractive areas of the Costa del Sol.

Located in an area of maximum tranquility, with pedestrian access to the beach and within walking distance of everything you need for your daily life.The Bliss Village is made up of 8 plots to build villas on two levels plus basement, where privacy and space are the hallmarks that make them stand out from the rest of the homes in the area.

The Bliss Village are located in a privileged area just a few minutes from La Resina Golf & Country Club and with walking access to the beach. A perfect combination to enjoy the advantages of living in a villa surrounded by nature and being a stone’s throw away from this prestigious club, one of the most exquisite 9-hole courses in Andalusia.

An unforgettable experience for golfers of all levels. Within walking distance of the Hospiten hospital, Atlas International School, the beach and a large new sports centre. The latter will be a new space, a reference for leisure and sport in the area, which will have a total of 11 paddle tennis courts, one of which will be fitted out with a grandstand that will allow competitions to be held.

It will have a social club, a terrace overlooking the main court, as well as a restaurant and gym area. A place to combine leisure, sport and social relations.Around the previous facilities, a new large green area will be created with public access and landscaped spaces, where a park will be created next to the banks of the Las Cañas stream, and from where you can access the beach on foot or enjoy a pleasant bike ride.



  • Privat terrass


  • Privat trädgård


  • Privat pool


  • Nära till golf
  • Nära till havet

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Totala utgifter

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