2,512 €/m2
The Villas are located on the Golf Course Cerrado del Águila, in Mijas Costa, Málaga, Spain.
The Urbanization will be a private spot consisting in 18 luxurious independent houses, all located at the foot of the magnificent golf course.
With a total construction of 70 hectares, La Quinta de Cerrado offers homeowners the views of the Mediterranean sea, the Mijas mountains and the golf course.
All Villas are located in an exclusive development on the Golf Course Cerrado del Aguila.
All houses and most rooms have never ending uninterrupted views over the course to the sea.
Neither none of them will be positioned to block the views of the others. No one can build in front them as the golf course is directly in front.
This extraordinary development and Villa design, including large windows, courtyard, outdoor shower, fireplace, individual pool & garden... allows you to enjoy the exceptional weather of Malaga all year round, making La Quinta de Cerrado UNIQUE.
The Villas also stand out for the top quality of their construction and the materials used throughout.
Climate control
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