6,226 €/m2
Characterized by the visual strength of its organic forms and its spectacular sea views, Bay 8/7 has become a unique, magnificent villas that stands out as the Villas that marks the great difference.
The main aim of the Project has been to flood the spaces with natural light and maximise the light in every area of the houses. Dressed in white with touches of wood that go hand in hand to create a suggestive visual play of textures. The simplicity of its silhouette, the wise combination of materials and the harmony with the natural environment are the keys to Bay 8/7.
In perfect balance with the landscape, it oozes functionality,
design and comfort in equal measures. A wooden panel leads to the spacious walk-in closet in the
master bedroom. Surrounded by Mediterranean forest with carobs, pines, olives and aromatic plants,
with familiar fragances such as rosemary and thyme, and with views of the sea on the horizon.
Large space with private gym, wine cellar and game room. It has one particular detail that marks the difference: circular led lighting that dominates the entire space.
The interior and exterior become one, allowing the views of the Mediterranean Sea and the natural
environment to be enjoyed. The combination of sensations favours formal simplicity, comfort and an
easy harmony with the environment, providing a welcoming atmosphere.
Climate control
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