4,722 €/m2
The 2, 3, and 4-bedroom homes are diaphanous and spacious, with an elongated sliding door to duplicate the entrance of natural light and enjoy much better views.
Architecture and nature merge in a dream project: 164 homes surrounded by native vegetation. Composed of 70 Deluxe Apartments, 49 Garden Villas, 25 Sky Villas and 20 Sky Penthouses.
South Residences design is inspired in Higuerón Hotel, following the same avant-garde line and using sustainable materials such as corten steel, stone and wood.
The houses will be numbered as if it were a hotel and this is no coincidence. People who buy a home in South Residences will be able to enjoy exclusive services from Higuerón Hotel Curio Collection by Hilton 5*.
Art is a fundamental pillar of this project. The owners will live surrounded by exclusive pieces as if it were a gallery. In addition, the 4 blocks take the name of renowned contemporary artists such as Leiro, Brinkmann, Darko and Alfil.
Climate control
Golvvärme badrum
Inbyggda garderober
Privat terrass
Privat parkering
Gemensam pool
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