3,959 €/m2
Seaviews Villa Collection, is a boutique development of 12 villas in Terrazas de Cortesin Seaviews. Located in the hills of Finca Cortesin, Europe’s finest golf resort.
The villas are set on a gentle south-facing hillside with spectacular 180o views of the Mediterranean Sea. The landscape stretches from the Marbella mountain range to Gibraltar and the coast of Morocco uninterrupted. The 180o view of the Mediterranean is a privilege that few can enjoy.
With the magnificent climatic conditions of the area, the terraces are an important part of the villas, large outdoor spaces to amplify the feeling of immensity that the views give. With terraces of 65 m2 and gardens of 120 m2 on average.
The design of the 12 villas is really attractive on the outside. The architectural rhythm that makes them so spectacular on the outside is reflected on the inside, creating large, open-plan spaces that take advantage of the excellent location to continue enjoying the views and sunlight from inside the villas.
Inbyggda garderober
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