7,373 €/m2
Mala Kai comes to surpass your expectations and add a multitude of details that will enchant you from the very beginning to everything you had imagined.
This residential resort has 70 homes with 2 and 3 bedrooms spreaded across 7 different blocks, located by the Mediterranean Sea and close to the heart of Estepona.
The homes offer spectacular sea views and are surrounded by a wide variety of services accessible within minutes. Golf courses, sports centers, shopping centers, supermarkets, restaurants, hospitals, pharmacies, everything you may need. The location provides easy access to the Costa del Sol A-7 highway and is close to the AP-7 highway, ensuring easy access to all the main attractions in the area and allowing you to move around without any problems.
Inbyggda garderober
Privat terrass
Gemensam pool
Nära till havet
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