7,481 €/m2
Come live in a quiet environment next to the Mediterranean, a beautiful natural enclave of Puig de Ros, in the Mallorcan town of Llucmajor.
Enjoy a quiet environment of great beauty, among tall pine forests and a few steps from the sea. You can go down every morning to a rocky bathing area with crystal clear waters and admire the beautiful views from this natural balcony of the Mediterranean.
All the homes at Eneida Views come with a private swimming pool in the garden, thus enhancing the privacy they inherently afford. Enjoy a relaxing swim or invite your loved ones to cool off on summer afternoons to share some unforgettable moments together. The swimming pool will be fully integrated into the garden, forming a unique, different kind of space, which will become of your favourite spots in the house.
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Privat trädgård
Privat pool
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