5,205 €/m2
<strong>Pinars de Murada R9 </strong>is the perfect place to enjoy the purely Mediterranean lifestyle. Here you have designer villas and bungalows that combine functionality and modern-style architecture with the warmth of traditional Majorcan homes. A place where you can enjoy the fantastic Majorcan climate thanks to big picture windows and outdoor structures that seem to prolong the indoor space, where the limits between inside/outside are skilfully combined.
The residential estate has a Social Club, café area with an open-air terrace, a children's playground, sauna, whirlpool and a large swimming pool with waterbeds and a natural lawn pool surround. All this is in the heart of nature, surrounded by pine trees and green zones, just a few metres from the delightful beach of Cala Murada.
Climate control
Inbyggda garderober
Privat terrass
Privat trädgård
Privat parkering
Privat pool
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