For those who love the challenge of a clean slate, Abama offers villa plots for building luxury estates in front-line positions on our golf course, providing breathtaking views of the Atlantic and the other Canary Islands. Owners and guests have access to the professional tennis complex, the undisturbed beach, and our golf course, one of the finest in Europe.
These villa plots are just off the 9th hole of the golf course, and within easy walking distance of the professional tennis complex. Phase 2 will consist of 15 plots beginning at 750m2, upon which owners can build two-storey luxury villas of more than 300m2. All the plots have ample room for gardens and private swimming pools.
This exclusive community benefits from 24-hour security, and it is possible to contract property management services for your luxury estate, including housekeeping, washing, gardening, pool maintenance and catering.
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