1,651 €/m2
The Serra de Tramuntana, is declared World Heritage by UNESCO in the category of Cultural Landscape. It is the recognition of the international community to the nearly perfect symbiosis between human action and nature, made for centuries, which has resulted in a monumental human work in which culture, traditions, aesthetics, spirituality and identity are mixed. The Serra de Tramuntana vertebra northwest Mallorca. It stretches along some 90 km, with a maximum range of 15 km, on the territory of 18 municipalities -being older Calvia, Sóller, Pollença and Escorca-, representing almost 30% of the islands and over 1,000 km2. In the cores live 8,000 people, but the population is 40,000 inhabitants buffer. In it, several peaks over 1,000 meters high, highlighting the Puig Major (1443), the Puig de Massanella (1,348 m), the Serra d'Alfàbia (1,069 m), is Teix (1064) and Galatzó (1,026 m ). It is at the foot of the same Sierra de Alfàbia, is where this house of 272m2 built on a plot of 356.094m2 of land with fruit trees, irrigated and rainfed, including orange, lemon, and forest scrub is located and oaks, and timberland for sale of firewood and other unproductive stretch. In the same building there is a natural water source, the property, with a large cistern. The house, on two floors, and needs reform, dating back to 1900 and the date of the last renovation is 1,980. There are several rooms, fireplaces, 5 bedrooms, kitchen, terrace, garden, exposed beams, the roof is Arab tiles and has mains electricity. It has an entrance from the road and can do something for the back of the house. It has rain water cistern. The location, in the Sierra, gives the house an exceptional view, and the peculiar tranquility that being in nature, but only about 5 km from the center of Sóller, in which all services are, and even the train to the center of the capital, Palma.
Climate control
Öppen spis
Renovering krävs
Restaurering krävs
Privat terrass
Ej möblerad
Privat trädgård
Lätt underhåll trädgård
Ej utrustat
Täckt parkering
Mer än en parkering
Privat parkering
Gated Complex
Nära till skog
Drickbart vatten
Panorama utsikt
Utsikt gård
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