2,264 €/m2
Pure nature on a well-protected piece of land of 89000m2 with fully grown avocados, good for 25 to 35000 kilos per year. There are also orange and citrus trees, figs and medlars. From the cortijo you can enjoy this plantation and nature as far as the eye can see. Possibility to plant more trees. Several drivable roads cross the plantation to facilitate the harvest. Water storage of 4 million litres and 3 registered wells provide the necessary watering. The cortijo has a covered and open terrace, living room with fireplace, kitchen and next to it the bathroom. Furthermore, there are 3 bedrooms and a laundry/storage room with exit to a carport. Under the house is a space which was to used as a stable for 3 horses/donkeys, chickens, a bodega and an oven for bread or pizza. At the back of the cortijo is a stable for a pig or goat and the former pressing place for the grapes. There is a separate garage and 3 paseros where the grapes are dried into sultanas. The original finca dates back to 1882 and has been steadily extended. We are delighted to be able to visit this property with you, either in person or via a virtual tour. Because this world is unique, like our Axarquia. On the Costa del Sol....in Andalusia. Here, on the sunny side of life....
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