318 €/m2
Ample rustic land of 10.287m2 to be sold, ideally to build your own home, to your liking and in a unique environment, surrounded by nature. 
It has a foundation of 150m2 where the current owners have started to build their own property. The plans are currently for a three bedroom 2 bathroom detached property with a study that can be on two floors with a maximum height of 7 meters. 
The land is surrounded with olive and almond trees, overlooking the castle of Biar and the mountains. A few meters away there are neighbours, who live there all year. There is pre installation of water in place where just a meter needs to be fitted. Electric on mains is also available. 
The property is just 3 kms by car from the town of Biar, in the province of Alicante. It is an important historical town, consisting of the castle, a beautiful church and medieval buildings.
Popular and typical festivals of the area are held throughout the year, such as Moors and Christians, Holy Week Parties, Christmas Fair, among others. 
Do not miss this opportunity!  Please note that when you are buying a piece of land with foundations in place, you will require roughly a further 13% in buying costs.
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