3,941 €/m2
Clinic for sale in Marbella town
This famous clinic was operation for over 10 years until the owner and well know medic decided to relocate. The clinic is located just 50 meters of the Ricardo Soriano with plenty of public parking close by. It consists of 2 floors, having the reception area, main treatment room, a kitchenette, Toilet and staff room on the entrance level. On the ground floor are several treatment rooms and physio area.
The clinic offers the following license and agreements:
Licencia de apertura / opening license
Licencia de ejecucion tratamiento fisioterapia y rehabilitacion / Physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatment execution license
Licencia de ejecucion de servicios medicos incluido intervenciones pequenas / License for the execution of medical services including small interventions
The property is registered with the ayuntamiento as a commercial premise which meets all the requirements for any type of trade, except for a restaurant with a kitchen.
Important: all licenses were issued for BOTH floors!!
All licenses are valid indefinitely, only the license for physiotherapy has to be renewed every 5 years, but this is only a written application, the examination and inspection no longer take place. This is currently still valid for 2 years.
Included are 2 garage spaces both with own title deeds and could be sold separately.
Climate control
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Nära till havet
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