795 €/m2
Attention entrepreneurs! Have you always dreamed of owning your own bar or opening a B&B in southern Spain? Here is the opportunity of a lifetime.   We offer you this bar with adjoining detached house that will be sold as 1 unit.   The bar is fully equipped with industrial kitchen and has a capacity of about 50 pers. The bar has an adjoining wet-room and 2 toilets. Above the bar there is a fully open space that can be converted to suit your needs. A flat e.g. The bar itself can be converted into another commercial space.   The house next to the bar is offered together with the purchase. In this house there are 6 bedrooms on 3 floors and 2 bathrooms. There is also a kitchen and a lounge. This can be converted to rooms to rent out.   With an entrepreneurial spirit, your dream will become a reality!   We are pleased to be able to present this dream property to you soon, either personally or via virtual viewing. Because this world, it is unique - just like our Axarquía. In Andalusia. On the Costa del Sol. Here, on the sunny side of life...
Privat terrass
Satellit TV
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Vår kostnadskalkylator ger en uppskattning av alla kostnader som är involverade i att köpa ett hus i Spanien. Använd dessa siffror endast som en riktlinje: de faktiska siffrorna kommer att variera beroende på fastighetens läge och vilken bank du väljer, bland andra faktorer. Till summan måste du lägga till dina bolånebetalningar och comisión de apertura om din bank debiterar det.