931 €/m2
Do you have hands on experience in building and can't wait to let your creativity run wild in a house in the countryside? Don't want to live in a village but still don't want to live completely secluded either? Here comes the perfect house for you. It has a driveway that can built into a carport. The house itself is attached to 2 other houses but is positioned so that you can separate it from others. It has a garden with trees and a separate piece of land of about 4000m2. The house has a terrace in front. When you enter, you have what used to be 2 separate houses, joined together. The ceilings have been renewed. You could make an open kitchen by the terrace with the sitting area next to it. Next to it a bedroom with en-suite bathroom. You could rent this out as a studio with a separate entrance. In the 2nd part there are 2 large rooms where again a kitchen and a sitting area could be built. Upstairs there are 2 bedrooms large enough to add a bathroom. This property is ideal to offer together with reference 5742 as they are next to each other and are ideal in terms of rental potential. We are pleased to be able to present this dream property to you soon, either personally or via virtual viewing. Because this world, it is unique - just like our Axarquía. In Andalusia. On the Costa del Sol. Here, on the sunny side of life...
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