1,970 €/m2
Villa, situated on a plot of 3102 m' with 360 degree panoramic views.
The house has a living / dining room with fireplace, fitted kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and master bedroom with access to the terrace, dressing room, bathroom en suite and stairs to a private lounge.
From the living room you have access to the covered and open terrace with super large swimming pool and outdoor kitchen with separate toilet.
The views are spectacular, you can see the city, the Peñon, the sea and the mountains.
Through an internal staircase you reach the lower area with 2 living rooms, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.The living rooms also have a direct entrance.
The villa has heating with gas radiators.
The villa has its own tennis court, 2 garages and a large driveway with plenty of parking space.
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