Fristående villa till salu i Pedreguer

Property ID: R4239742


3,423 €/m2


This lovely three bedroom villa is situated in the hills above Pedreguer on Monte Solana. It has incredible panoramic views across the valley to the sea. 

The plot is extensive with off road parking for several cars.
Gas central heating throughout the property and 2 bedrooms have air conditioning.
Large covered naya with spectacular views.
All bedrooms have ceiling fans.
The kitchen is fully fitted and modern.
Kidney shaped pool.
Large under build for storage or could be converted into an office or similar.
Electric entry gates.
Established gardens with terracing and fruit trees.
The plot is in keeping with the natural surroundings and very low maintenance.
Completely fenced and secure.

Walking distance to the new commercial area on Monte Solana where there will be a supermarket and a bar/restaurant with swimming pool. Planning for this is underway.

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