10,703 €/m2
REFORM OPPORTUNITY IN NAGÜELES......Lovely old villa with very private garden.
Are you looking for a property to reform, renovate and make your own?
The Nagüeles villa offers just that opportunity. Located on one of the famous streets on the Golden Mile, this Marbella home has many of the features that can be updated to create a beautiful contemporary property within minutes of the town of Marbella and the beach.
This authentic villa is tucked away in Nagules on a plot of 2000 square meters. The entrance can be either through the pedestrian gate, or alternatively by parking the car in the large enclosed garage from where a door leads to the front of the villa. Built mainly on one level, the villa is accessed through the front door, with 5 of the bedrooms and bathrooms on the right hand side. Tp the left and at the rear there is the kitchen, utility room, rear terrace and a further bathroom.
The main body of the villa is incorporates a large open plan living area with various different spaces. All of them are set with windows that are south-facing and so all benefit from plenty of light.
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