1,321 €/m2
Rented! This country property has a main house 120m2 and a guesthouse connected to a large storage room/garage total about 100m2 is main connected to electricity and water supply Albatera. At the back of the house you have acces to a lower area where you will find a huge storage room about 130m2. Very suitable for someone who wants to start their own business and needs a lot of storage. This area would also be very suitable to keep animals as it is a lower terrace. 

The main house has a cosy living room, a kitchen and 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. Behind the kitchen there are 2 rooms, 1 could be another bedroom with an ensuite bathroom and it has a back door. These 2 area's could be used as a guesthouse with an outside kitchen and privat area. Both are being used as a gym and need to be finished as you can see on the photo's. 

The large pool has a nice shape in which you can enjoy the rural nature.

Opposite the main house is a large storage room, garage, at the moment used a hobby room (app. 40m2. The guesthouse with a complete kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and a small living is connected to the garage which gives you the possibility to establish another guesthouse as it is big enough. This property needs some cleaning up and updating, the bathroom is the main house has recently been done. This could be a great business oppertunity to rent out 3 separate units. Within 25 minutes from the airport, 20 min to the sea and 10 minutes to Crevillente and Albatera centra with bars, restaurants, dentists, doctors etc. 

This property must be seen to explore the business possibilities or just for a big family. 

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