2,602 €/m2
Graphic surface of the land approximately 1,060 meters It consists of a basement for a garage to fit 3 vehicles perfectly, and a wine cellar in the same basement. The basement has an area of approximately 70 square meters It consists of a ground floor with a useful area of 220 meters. Distributed in 3 rooms, a separate living room, dining room, entrance hall, kitchen and laundry room, and two bathrooms. It consists of an upper floor, with a useful area of 125 meters, distributed in a room with independent terrace, bathroom, reading room and leisure room, and game room with billiards and bar, as well as a large terrace with views It has a total constructed area of 342 square meters. It consists in its independent pool garden with an area of 54 square meters of water sheet (considerably large) It also has a barbecue area next to the pool Also in the garden part there is an adjoining room to store all kinds of tools for the pool and garden of approximately 40 meters On the ground floor it also has a terrace perfectly oriented to the pool area of approximately 35 meters
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