90 €/m2
Beautiful, large plot of 25.000 m² in Biar. Beautiful, large plot of 25.000 m² in Biar

Panoramic views over the surrounding area

The completely flat plot, located about halfway between Biar and Banyeres, measures 25,000 m² and is planted with mainly olive trees. An ideal spot for those enjoying peace and quiet to build their dream home. Electricity and (drinking) water are available. 

The distance to the nearest town of Castalla is about 10 km. Castalla is a town of approx. 10,000 inhabitants and located approx. 35 km. north-west of the city of Alicante. It lies in the middle of the quadrangle between Alcoy, Villena, Elda and Jijona. The surroundings of Castalla are characterised by the surrounding green hills, which reach up to approx. 1200 m. with great views over the beautiful valleys all around, covered with almond and olive groves and grape fields with several picturesque villages such as Tibi (at 16 km.), Ibi (at 10 km.), Onil (at 5 km.)
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