1,700 €/m2
We are pleased to offer you the perfect investment in one of the most beautiful corners of Andalusia. In Comares one of the oldest municipalities of the Axarquia, one of the beautiful white villages, with a lot of historical background. Not far from the village is our property with over 60.000 square meters of land, overgrown with beautiful old almond and olive trees. There are three buildings on the property. The largest has four residential units with separate entrances, which could be connected to each other. Further there is a detached house. Below the other buildings is a second detached house with a pool. This fantastic property has been owned by the current owners for five generations. Once upon a time it was a well-known bread factory. Traces of its eventful history can be found all over the property. For example old decorative baking ovens and a stone mill in the middle of the property. In total we have 18 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, 6 kitchens and 6 living rooms divided into 3 houses - ideal for different business plans and also perfect for private use. The water and electricity come normally from the city and in addition there is a well with a water reservoir. The access to the finca is asphalted and therefore suitable for any vehicle, also there are 2 restaurants/bars within walking distance. The airport of Malaga and the beach can be reached in about 30 to 40 minutes. Great conditions for rentals, hotel rural, B&B, training centre, retreatment centre etc.. Bring your creativity to our property and earn your money where others spend their vacations. We are pleased to be able to present this dream property to you soon, either personally or via virtual viewing. Because this world, it is unique - just like our Axarquía. In Andalusia. On the Costa del Sol. Here, on the sunny side of life...
Inbyggda garderober
Privat terrass
Satellit TV
Privat trädgård
Delvis utrustat
Öppen parkering
Mer än en parkering
Privat pool
Nära till golf
Nära till hamn
Nära till affärer
Nära till havet
Nära skolor
Nära småbåtshamn
Utsikt landskap
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