2,261 €/m2
If it ́s your dream to be able to sit outside in the morning on a covered terrace with a hot cup of coffee, admiring Axarquía ́s picturesque countryside, then we have the perfect property for you. This charming 96 m2 Cortijo is nestled in the rolling hills of Colmenar. The breathtaking panoramic views are unparalleled. Inside the house you will find a perfect mix of modern and rustic charm. The light wooden beams on the ceiling give the Cortijo its much sought-after Andalusian style. The Cortijo is divided into a bright living/dining area with an open kitchen. Next to it is a room that is currently used as a living/TV room, but can also function as an office or third bedroom. Also from the living area you can access the two spacious, light-filled bedrooms and the bathroom. Outside there is enough space for a lounge area with a barbecue area and a pool. On the 2,725 m2 plot you can let your imagination run wild. Maybe you've always wanted to plant a vegetable garden or a variety of fruit trees? The possibilities are endless. We are pleased to be able to present this dream property to you soon, either personally or via virtual viewing. Because this world, it is unique - just like our Axarquía. In Andalusia. On the Costa del Sol. Here, on the sunny side of life...
Inbyggda garderober
Privat terrass
Satellit TV
Privat trädgård
Delvis utrustat
Öppen parkering
Nära till golf
Nära till hamn
Nära till havet
Nära småbåtshamn
Utsikt landskap
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