4,821 €/m2
If it ́s your dream to live in a fantastic, high quality built villa with a pool and breathtaking sea views, then you have found the right property. This 280 m2 luxury villa offers everything you could possibly want. In the centre of the modern villa mixed with Andalusian style is a charming patio, which gives the house a special accent and provides beautiful lighting and atmosphere. It links the entire lower area of the property. From the entrance area, one side leads to a room used as an office, as well as a bedroom with an on-suite bathroom and the spacious living room with a fireplace and sea views. This in turn is adjacent to the dining area and the kitchen, from which you enter the hallway that is connected to the entrance area. This hallway also leads to the dressing room with an on-suite bathroom, where there is a sauna. Stairs lead from the entrance to the second floor. Here you will find the large master bedroom with an on-suite bathroom and a winter garden. External stairs lead to the outdoor area, which gives this room a separate entrance. The wonderful outdoor area offers a double garage, as well as a laundry room, which is also used for storage. Right next to the inviting pool is a gym with bathroom, as well as a glass fronted annex that serves as a lounge area with an outdoor kitchen. The perfect place for celebrations and dinners with family and friends. On the 19,500 m2 property there is also a paddock, with shelter and its own driveway, for keeping horses. It ́s located below the house. The driveway also leads to a small riding arena with three horse stalls, a tack room and a shower for the horses. You have free design possibilities of the spacious property. Whether it is to plant a fruit and vegetable garden, expand the area of horse keeping, possibly convert the riding arena to a tennis court, volleyball or small soccer field, even something completely new. The choice is entirely up to you. We are pleased to be able to present this dream property to you soon, either personally or via virtual viewing. Because this world is unique - just like our Axarquía. In Andalusia. On the Costa del Sol. Here, on the sunny side of life...
Climate control
Inbyggda garderober
Privat terrass
Privat trädgård
Delvis utrustat
Mer än en parkering
Privat pool
Nära till golf
Nära till hamn
Nära till affärer
Nära till havet
Nära skolor
Nära småbåtshamn
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