A really good value 1500m2 urbano plot located on the edge of the Tarraula Hills on the prestigious La Lluca urbanisation in Javea. The plot looks towards the Montgo mountain and is next to green belt with uninterrupted views across pine forests and farmland.
Views of the vivid sunsets on Montgo from your pool terrace will be spectacular.
This is a lovely plot and we have architect plans drawn for a stylish luxury villa with pool on this site.
The land feels more like a 3000m2 plot than it's official 1500m2, thanks to an adjacent 1200m2 strip of protected green zone that sits alongside.
Sunny, quiet and secluded, the plot is only a short drive to the beaches of Javea and Moraira.
The architect plans and 3D drawings for the villa are included in the price.
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