The Granadella Natural Park is on the southern side of the Javea peninsula.
An area of outstanding natural beauty with pine forest hills and numerous walking trails.
And of course, home to Spain's Nº1 beach, the beautiful Cala de la Granadella
Plots Direct will be releasing exclusive, fully urbanised plots for sale during 2024 on the edge of the Granadella Natural Park.
These plots have fully completed roads, pavements and street lighting.
Electricity, water, cable TV and internet, fully integrated drainage + waste system and centralised piped gas supply are all connected.
Some plots are flat, others are slightly sloping and they range in size from 1000m2 to 1160m2.
Plenty of room to design and build a spacious new family villa with swimming pool, terraces, gardens and parking areas.
All the plots face south or west to the Mediterranean.
Close to the beaches, restaurants, bars, shops, schools and tennis clubs; this spot on the Costa Blanca is perfect for family life and fabulous holidays.
Plot prices will start at 220. 000€; please contact us for more details.
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