2,478 €/m2
This fabulous property nestles in the tranquil foothills of Javea's famous Montgo mountain.
The villa has the contrast of a dramatic mountain backdrop behind with south facing views to the valley of vineyards and orange groves to the front.
A grand entrance takes in both the valley views and the mountain behind.
Upon entering the property you turn right into a large dining room and living room with open fire, all enjoying views to the pool and the valley.
The kitchen is bright with white stone surfaces and central island.
The four spacious bedrooms all enjoy lovely views and the master bedroom has a stylish en-suite with large dressing room.
There is also an office, a double garage and summer kitchen by the pool.
The large 2630m2 plot has well maintained landscaped gardens.
If you like the Montgo, you will love this villa,
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