8,165 €/m2
This magnificent 7-bedroom home has a spectacular architectural style. Distributed over three levels ,with an open-plan design and a welcoming atmosphere. Due to its elevated position, the property enjoys breathtaking views over Marbella, the Mediterranean Sea, and Gibraltar in the distance. These views may be seen from several locations throughout the property, including the terraces and gardens. Floor to ceiling windows allow for abundant natural light.
The grand entrance to this property leads to an exquisite lounge and dining area with modern fireplace, a top of the range designer kitchen with professional laundry area, two guest suites and a private study. The spectacular terrace and pool area add to the comfort and style of this level.
The primary suite with bespoke dressing room occupies the entire upper level and has a south-facing terrace with panoramic views. Further guest bedroom suites, professional gym, independent staff apartment and a double garage complete the lower level.
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