5,342 €/m2
A 3 bedroom finca in Alfaz Del pi with a large plot

Located opposite the Tennis club in Alfaz Del Pi and only a short drive to the town of Alfaz or the beach of Albir.

Built in 1975, the property, which is Urban, with a 73m2 size (option to build another level, sits on a rustic plot of 3,226m2 for agricultural use only.

The property consist of 3 double bedroom, closed kitchen, bathroom, lounge with working fire place. Further benefits include, parking for 3 cars, garage, Naya and a large plot which is already home to many fruit trees inc. Grape, Passion and Olive to name a few.

In order of a reform, but has lovely views form the roof terrace, close to the centre of Alfaz and the tennis club
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