1,817 €/m2
Nestled in the tranquil town of Sucina, this charming 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom bungalow awaits your arrival. Conveniently located next to the highway, it offers seamless access to the surrounding areas. In just 2 minutes, you can find yourself in the heart of the town, surrounded by a variety of restaurants and the bustling center.
What truly sets this bungalow apart is its picturesque view of lush farm fields, offering a serene and idyllic backdrop for your daily life. And when you're ready for some seaside relaxation, the beach is just a short 15-minute drive away.
This property is situated in an exceptionally quiet area, making it perfect for those seeking peace and tranquility in their daily lives. Whether you're looking for a cozy retreat or a quiet place to call home, this bungalow in Sucina, Murcia, offers the ideal blend of comfort and serenity.
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