Invest in the future of Ondara. We present this exceptionally well located plot which offers an unrivalled opportunity to develop a high value residential project. Priced at 150.000€, this dream plot offers the following key features:
Potential for 9 Flats:
8 Residential Flats
Spacious Penthouse
4 storeys:
Versatile design for a variety of living needs.
Basement with 9 Parking Spaces:
Offers comfort and security for residents.
Located in a strategic area of Ondara, this plot is just a few minutes away from services, shops and main accesses. Its development potential makes it an investment with a promising return.
Additional Observations:
Legal documentation in order.
Advice on local regulations and permits will be provided.
Don't miss out on this investment opportunity in Ondara's thriving property market!
For further details or to schedule a viewing, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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