Discover the tranquillity and charm of this beautiful sunny rustic plot located in a picturesque area of Alhaurín El Grande. The 12,189m² plot is distributed over two flat levels, creating a harmonious and versatile space to bring your projects to life.
The land benefits from sunny surroundings and a prime location offering panoramic views of the surrounding area. With the presence of a nearby electricity point, electrical connection is facilitated for any future developments you have in mind, giving you the convenience of easy access.
The property also has access to water from the irrigation community, ensuring a constant and reliable supply for your needs.
A notable feature of this plot is the possibility of building a tool storage or agricultural warehouse with a build size of up to 120m².
Discover the unlimited possibilities that this land has to offer and make your dreams come true in this special corner in the interior of the Costa del Sol!
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