1,623 €/m2
This 115,000 m2 property, in which we find a house composed of 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with more than 500 m2, a private pool and the entire roof of this house has recently been rehabilitated, making the possibility of making a hotel a very good option. high standing rural area, or take advantage of it for recreation of potential investors. With very good views of the Grazalema mountain range in the middle of nature and harmony. The Grazalema mountain range that currently dedicates a large part of its economic activity to rural tourism.
It also has another house made up of 3 rooms, which was the home where the estate's caretakers lived with more than 200m2.
On the other hand, it has a large warehouse for agricultural machinery and farm maintenance and another warehouse for livestock (fully prepared and equipped).
It has a work area, olive grove and scrubland in use.
It also currently has an area next to Constitution Avenue that is fully developable according to the current PGOU of the municipality of Montecorto.
It has a water connection from the municipality's network, access from the road and good electrical installation from the municipality's general network.
Renovering krävs
Ej möblerad
Privat trädgård
Täckt parkering
Mer än en parkering
Privat pool
Nära till skog
Drickbart vatten
Utsikt landskap
Panorama utsikt
Utsikt pool
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